Melati Suryodarmo
Today is the seed of tomorrow
The world that moves me to create lies within—the body as both a sanctuary and a vessel of memory, a dynamic organism in perpetual transformation. This interiority, with its ever-shifting psychological landscapes, inspires me to re-imagine structures of thought and action. My practice navigates the present as a tactile reality, yet it is always intertwined with the echoes of history. I seek to engage with the unsaid, the unseen, and to open portals to expanded perception, honoring the boundless freedom of individual sensory interpretation.
My work thrives on crossing boundaries—cultural, political, and existential—encounters that simultaneously illuminate and destabilize identity. The pursuit of identity, while vital, teeters on the edge of disconnection from origins. For me, art-making is an enduring inquiry, an immersion in a state of perpetual metamorphosis. Through my practice, I explore the fluid interplay between the body and its environment, crafting works that embody intensity without narrative constraints.
The politics of existence, the dynamics of society, and the intricacies of psychology demand visceral engagement—a level of sensory immediacy that transcends intellect. I am drawn to performances that achieve a state of factual absurdity, where the raw essence of existence resonates most profoundly.
Art, to me, is a pathway to understanding—the self, the other, and the ephemeral bridges that connect us. I am captivated by moments where the ephemeral phenomena of the world align, creating passages for meaning to flow. My practice revolves around the interplay of limits, borders, and the dimensions of volume, space, and time, transforming these concepts into visual and spatial explorations that ground my work.